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Contents: Courses, Students


Spring 2025: CSCI 6314/4831: Algorithmic Economics (graduate level)

Spring 2025: CSCI 5240/4240: Intro to Blockchain (graduate level, with Matt Garnett and Danny Ryan)


Fall 2024: CSCI 2824: Discrete Structures (undergraduate, with Prof. Murray Cox)

Fall 2023: CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate level)

Fall 2022: CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate level)

Spring 2022: CYBR 5240: Intro to Blockchain (graduate level).

Fall 2021: CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate level)

Fall 2021: CSCI 3104: Algorithms (undergraduate, with Prof. Josh Grochow)

Spring 2021: APPM 5490/APPM 4490/CSCI 7000: Theory of Machine Learning (graduate level)

Spring 2021: INFO 4871/CSCI 4830: Fairness and Bias in AI (undergraduate, with Prof. Robin Burke)

Fall 2020: CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate level)

Spring 2020: CSCI 7000: Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory (graduate level)

Fall 2019: CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (graduate level)


Spring 2018: UPenn NETS 412: Algorithmic Game Theory.


Spring 2016: Harvard CS 236r: Prediction, Learning, and Games. (Teaching Fellow) with Professor Yiling Chen.

Fall 2013: Harvard CS 284r: Incentives and Information in Networks. (Teaching Fellow) with Professor Yaron Singer.

Fall 2012: Harvard CS 121: Intro to Theory of Computation. (Teaching Fellow) with Professor Salil Vadhan.


See also: CU Boulder theory group, Prof. Raf Frongillo.

Current PhD students:
Undergraduate theses: