A Course in Graduate Algorithms

Designed by Bo Waggoner for the University of Colorado, Boulder CSCI 5454: Design and Analysis of Algorithms.

Lecture 4: Dynamic Programming

Videos - Original Speed

Section 1: Longest Increasing Subsequence

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Section 2: Elements of Dynamic Programming

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Section 3: Edit Distance

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Section 4: Memo-ization

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Section 5: All-Pairs Shortest Paths

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Section 6: Recap and Variants

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Videos - 1.4x Speed

Section 1: Longest Increasing Subsequence (1.4x)

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Section 2: Elements of Dynamic Programming (1.4x)

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Section 3: Edit Distance (1.4x)

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Section 4: Memo-ization (1.4x)

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Section 5: All-Pairs Shortest Paths (1.4x)

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Section 6: Recap and Variants (1.4x)

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