Syllabus - CSCI 6314: Algorithmic Economics, Spring 2025

Instructor: Bo Waggoner
Format: in-person, Tu/Th 11:00am - 12:15pm, DLC 1B20
Course webpage:

Course Information

Goals and topics

This advanced graduate-level course will cover foundations and select advanced topics in Algorithmic Economics and Algorithmic Game Theory. Likely topics include game theory, equilibrium, algorithms for game playing and computational complexity thereof, mechanism design and auction theory, voting theory and computational social choice.


The course will be theoretical, mathematical, and proof-based. Preprequisites strongly encouraged include multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and probability; as well as undergraduate algorithms and complexity theory. No economic prerequisites are assumed, but some familiarity with game theory and/or microeconomics is beneficial.


The course will be primarily lecture and discussion-based for at least half of the semester, with accompanying homework problems. Later in the semester, students will study a topic of their choice in depth and produce a survey or project, presenting it to the class.

Assignments and Evaluation

The final score will be calculated by a weighted average of the grades in each component. Course letter grades will be assigned based on the final score.

Standard Course Policies

The university has informed me that students can find standard required course policies here: