Syllabus: Colorado CSCI 7000 - Topics in AGT, Spring 2020

Instructor: Bo Waggoner
Course webpage:

Course Information

Goals and topics

This advanced graduate-level course will cover a number of topics at the interface of computer science and microeconomics, from a theoretical perspective. Examples of likely topics include online learning, mechanism design for approximate welfare and revenue maximization, information elicitation and aggregation, and/or computational social choice. The course will focus on reading papers and a final project.


The course will have flexibility in allowing students to keep up at their own pace. Preprequisites encouraged, but not required, include multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability, and analysis; and undergraduate algorithms and complexity theory. No economic prerequisites are assumed.


Typically, Mondays and Fridays will be discussions of assigned readings, led by a group of one or two students starting with a brief presentation of the key concepts. A typical Wednesday meeting will consist of instructor-led discussion or informal lecture on key background knowledge to reinforce the readings.

Assignments and Evaluation

The final score will be calculated by a weighted average of the grades in each component. Course letter grades will be assigned based on the final score.

Standard Course Policies

The university has informed me that students can find standard required course policies here: